Saturday, June 14, 2008

School Presentation: Make Way for the Kids!

I love this picture of who I think are 8th grade boys.  Many of the different grades gave mini presentations.  The 8th graders (I think) gave a mock interview with three well-known experts in the infotech field.  the interviewer was a girl, suitably dignified and solemn.  these boys were--well, their age!  I happen to get a big kick out of this age group of boys (so long as I don't have to deal with them on a daily basis).  The look on the face of the middle one is sheer mischief.  Of the relatively few stills I shot  (I spent most of my time filming), this is my favorite.

The children's presentation started off with the Jardin Infantil--kindergarten.  They are singing along to music--the voices you hear are not theirs.  They are utterly darling.  the song they're singing talks about wanting a world where children can live in peace.  At two points in the song, the lyrics say that they are singing for those children who are in pain, and for those who have no bread.  At that point, I started to cry.  There is absolutely nothing worse in the world than hearing a child cry from hunger while knowing that it will not get anything to eat.

But here they are, the Jardin Infantil of Escuela Felix A. Lara in Potrerillos Arriba!

I didn't catch the poetry reading by the first-grade girl, but here's a recitation by a 4th grade girl. The poem is about when the school bell sounds--"tin, tin", everyone goes to class, and  they discover the world in books. ( Sorry about the pole in the way).

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