Monday, June 9, 2008

Another Coffee Pruning Video

I've learned how to embed YouTube videos in posts, so that makes my life a lot easier.

OK, here's another short video, with Maria Ruiz explaining the rationale behind coffee pruning--in Spanish!  She talks slowly and clearly, so check out your Spanish comprehension.

Ok, ok, I've been told I'd better provide a translation.  Basically what she's saying is that they prune to get rid of branches that aren't productive and to fortify the plant against the rainy season.  She shows this year's pruning cut--the light-colored one, and last year's, as well as one that's 5 years old.  She talks about slanting the cut so that the rain will run off and not soak in to the stump.  and finally she points to a feature of the prune where there's a little bit of bark showing up from the prune, saying that they want to avoid damage to the bark and thus to the plant itself.

When I say she's talking slowly, all things are relative.  I've heard her when she's talking with other Panamanians and believe me, in the video, she's SLOW.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Señora, con todo respeto, creo que la recepa que ha realizado esta muy baja, se debe de realizar arriba de 30 cm para que dentro de 5 años tenga donde realizar nuevamente dicha poda. Ahora en estos tiempos es algo patético observar ese tipo de cafetal que ni follaje tiene. Para este video de demostración se debio utilizar otro tipo de cafetal, mas follaje y mayor cantidad de bandolas con hojas... Que pobre se mira el cafetal... Consejo sano, realice recepa por lote en este tipo de plantacion. Saludes.