Saturday, June 14, 2008

Rising Young Stars

After the school children's presentations, there was other entertainment.  This video is of a group from Dos Rios, which is a little community just south of Dolega.  They took part in a national competition.  They didn't win; given how good these kids (and a dad) are, I can't even imagine how good the other groups were!

This, after all, is a school celebration in a small community in Panamá.  People wander in and out of the camera field.  Some even have the nerve to stop and take pictures, blocking my camera view!  The one woman wound up being my nemesis most of the day.

Stay with it, though, because the music is worth it.  Darío is here today.  When he heard the music as I was editing, he told Mary, "Just wait until that boy is 20!"  You bet!

Notice how solemn and concentrated the young accordionist is.  He's a little cutie, certo.


Linda & Clyde said...

Good Evening,
Youe entries today were excellent, wish I was truly bi-lingual, I could get more from them. I end up thinking in Spanglish and can get tongue tied in two languages! It's 7:37 p.m. here, 97 degrees and I checked on the temperature in Potrerillos, and it said it's 64, that sounds fantastic! What is the elevation where you all live? How far from Dolega, David is Potrerillos, I remember seeing the cut-off when I was on the Boquete road, after leaving Dolega, sure wish I explored your area, it sounds like a good area to live in.
Do you have a need for air conditioning or a de-humidifier where you live? Thanks for your insight. Have a good evening,

Linda and Clyde

Joyce said...

Good morning, Linda, Clyde and your herd of critters!

64 might have been right for the temperature here, because I think it was raining at that time. I'm not sure what time zone you're in, but here in Panamá it's always Eastern STANDARD Time--we never go over to Daylight Savings Time.

While we're not entirely sure, we live at about 2200 ft, mas o menos. The slope starts climbing pretty steeply from where we are. The pueblo itself is at about 3200-3500 ft, about 2 km (1.6 miles) from where we live. We're about 5 km from Dolega and 30 km from David or 3 and 18 miles, respectively.

As for temperature: David is said to be the hottest area in Panamá, more so than in Panama City, even. We're cooler for sure, but temperatures are deceptive. The humidity can be the real problem. Lately, it's been extremely uncomfortable here, more so than in previous years, because of the humidity--it's been close and oppressive out. I walk the dogs about 6 in the morning, right about at dawn, for about 15-20 minutes. Even at that time of day, I can come back to the house drenched in sweat.

I can't tell you whether or not you need an air conditioner because I think that's going to depend on who you are, what you're used to--and what you're willing to spend on ever more costly electricity. We don't have one. We, like most people here, use ceiling fans which are sufficient and far, far less costly than air conditioning most of the time.

while we don't have built-in dehumidifiers, we do have a portable one that we run a few hours a day during the height of the rainy season, mostly to protect our library which numbers close to 900 books right now. But our house is small by American standards--less than 1400 sq. ft.--and open plan like Panamanian houses. Can't tell you what "normal" Americans do! When the rain and the accompanying fog come in, we shut the windows and turn on the fans.

Boquete is much cooler, Volcan even more so.


Linda & Clyde said...

Howdy!, Joyce,
Thanks for the information about climate and a/c etc., we use both a/c and fans here, bet we could get by with fans, and a mobile de-humidifier there, as long as we had one room of the house with a/c available, if needed. I went to Sam's Club this afternoon in San Antonio. The price of a 50 lb. bag of Riceland long grain rice was $27.99, a 12 lb. bag of Uncle Ben's long grain rice was $ 7.27, that'll give you some comparison for rice prices in your area. Hello to Mary, and your herd, too.

Clyde and Linda

** Linda would lke to send pictures of our herd to you and Mary, do you have a way we can attach photos to you off of the response comments to your blog? Thanks, Clyde

Joyce said...

Hi, Clyde--

The way rice is usually sold here is in 5 lbs or 10 lb bags. It works out, in the stores, to be about $0.50/lb. However, the government has a program for what is called Compita rice and maybe other basics where it's available for about $0.30/lb. Last time we bought 10 lbs of white rice (really all that's available), we paid $4.90, I think.

Can't upload pictures to my blog, but let's think about a way around this.
