Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Because I never know if the comments section is being read, I want to thank in this post those who did post there for their extremely kind words.  I'm getting the same reaction from friends here.

However, tomorrow, anyway, I am going to talk about food--I had home made crema de maiz (take note, Chiricana!) last night at the Espinosas, and it was delicious!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola Joyce:

Wow! and that is what I call "comida casera". Tell The Espinozas that I appreciate and thank them for showing you and Mary part of our campecino culture. And thank you for writing something positive about living in in a small town in Chiriqui.
You know, I had the same experience, when we lived in Texas. I told my tex-mex neighbors that I did't like mexican food because they make sick. They told me to wait for their next cookout to eat home cookingn food. (not Taco Bell). Mmmm they were right. I still don't like much mexican restaurants, but miss my neighbor's home made meals.
I'like to see pictures of your adventures with home grown vegetables and flowes.

Enjoy Potrerillos

La Chiricana